blog tab(?)

where i'll write my thoughts sometimes. will probably be revamped as i figure out how to make a real blog

Cute Running Puppy

Tuesday, January 31 2024

studying... i went to a club that's on campus and the people there are quite nice but i don't really feel like i fit in. they're having an event going on next week so i'll probably show up but i'll try to see where this goes. i just want to sleep really

Monday, January 29 2024

feels like the day went by too fast. it's like i just woke up at 5am and now i'm at my desk reading until i pass enough time before i go to sleep. i borrowed a book from the library that's 600 pages worth of birds in north america and it's pretty interesting. maybe my sketchbook will finally get some action by looking at these birds. today's been a good day for music- i got recommended some really good songs and was listening to them on repeat on the bus. here's 2 of them: prodigal kaleidoscope

Sunday, January 28 2024

remembered this site existed and decided to dedicate myself to working on it this time. college started recently and it's alright, just not a lot of free time to draw. been working on my Cape Falls story a lot recently since i'm planning on making the first page of its comic. as for the rest of today i'm probably going to listen to music and savor the last hours of the weekend. an album i've been listening to a lot lately is called White Noise. it's not my favorite album of his (i'll make it very clear which one is when i post about it lol) but this album really showcases his evolving style that has gone on to define his music. there are a lot of good things in this album that stand out and still make their way into the songs he's made currently (such as the Technicolor interlude and She Said, I Wonder. definitely standouts), but there are also some kind of boring tracks. maybe i'll give my opinion on the album that came before it sometime as well. anyway here is the link
